Elm Law


When we began working with Elm Law in 2017, the company consisted of its two founders - Stephanie Ostrom and Amerlia Yiu - and they were in the process of making their first hire by investing in a new family lawyer to join their team.

In the first month, they saw an increase in leads of 30-50%. The leads averaged out to a new lead a day.

Stephanie and Amelia had a great vision for whom Elm Law could serve and decided to make the leap and invest in a series of educational videos in their specialties of Family Law and Estate Litigation.   

To us, it is so wonderful to create campaigns for clients like this. We understand the trust and faith they are putting in us when they decide to invest their hard earned profits from a new business into our services. 

Fast forward to 2022 and look at their team now!

Now, we certainly aren’t claiming all the credit here. We just bring in the leads! This incredible team of women take those leads and invest their time, passion and care into each customer. With consistent leads coming into your business and a great team to care for new clients you have a winning strategy for growth.

What our client had to say:

Elm Law Emilia Yiu testimonial

Amelia Yiu - Elm Law Professional Corporation

For us, being a small firm, investing in really good video. It was a really good investment for us. We did need to see that these videos were going to give us some results. That clients would walk in the door after watching these videos. And for us it has really come to pass. We have a lot of leads that have been increased. So we have many more clients walking through the door. For us it has increased our business by at least 30-50%. We really do believe that the future of marketing is video.



The Shoulder Centre


Scarborough Health Network